
Quality Assurance Unit

Operational Objectives: The DSGE Quality Assurance Unit is entrusted with the role of promoting a culture of Quality within the Department by managing the departmental Quality Assurance process in the areas of teaching, research, and third mission activities. Specifically, the Unit supports the Director and the Department Council in defining policies and objectives for Quality, fostering continuous improvement through self-assessment activities. To this end, the Unit is responsible for monitoring the implementation status of the Department's Strategic Plan, providing guidance on the Department's activities and initiatives to all its members.

Members: prof. Fabio Franceschi, prof. Cristina Napoli, prof. Walter Paternesi Meloni, dt. Davide Perrone (administrative staff), dr. Gloria Francesca Pulizzi (student representative)

Research Committee

Operational Objectives: Monitor, on an annual basis, the scientific output of faculty members using the tools available at the University such as the IRIS system and the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Establish a research laboratory that enhances the main research lines of the department. Promote departmental workshops on high-impact cross-disciplinary topics. Promote the DSGE Research Day to present the most significant works of the year. Establish an interdisciplinary research laboratory in research areas where the Department holds a strong competitive position both nationally and internationally. Encourage the implementation of large-scale research projects, also from an interdisciplinary perspective. Promote the dissemination of information regarding competitive regional and national calls for proposals to be submitted to the Research Committee for evaluation. Facilitate the dissemination of information on networking opportunities with European and non-European Universities/Institutions/Departments. Raise awareness among faculty members about the services offered by the university related to specific training for participation in European calls for proposals. Strengthen the resources related to administrative staff for the management and reporting of funded research. Encourage the possibility of utilizing European project design technicians for the writing of project proposals.

Members:  prof. Beatrice Serra, prof. Francesco Bilancia, prof. Elvira Nadia La Rocca, prof. Maria Irene Papa, prof. Maria Alessandra Antonelli, dr. Clara Pezzuto (administrative staff)

Internationalization Committee

Operational Objectives: Facilitate the dissemination of information on networking opportunities with European and non-European Universities/Institutions/Departments. Raise awareness among faculty members about the services offered by the university related to specific training for participation in European calls for proposals. Strengthen the resources related to administrative staff for the management and reporting of funded research. Encourage the use of European project design technicians for the writing of project proposals; promote and raise awareness among faculty members about the opportunities offered by university calls for inviting visiting scholars. Improve the quality of the Department's website in English to clearly and effectively define the main research areas of the Department; raise awareness among the coordinator of the master's degree program and faculty to promote joint training programs with other foreign universities. Raise awareness among students about international mobility calls. Increase the number of scholarships awarded to the LM-90 course. Raise awareness among the PhD faculty board about involving foreign university faculty in teaching, particularly visiting professors.

Members: prof. Anna Rita Germani, prof. Roberto Cisotta, prof. Maria Federica Carriero, dr. Danilo Comparelli (administrative staff)

Third Mission Committee

Operational Objectives: Raise awareness of the importance of the Department's role in the community. Develop skills in planning and reporting Third Mission activities. Promote project initiatives with sector organizations. Implement a plan of interviews with individual faculty members to facilitate the reporting of Third Mission activities already carried out by faculty according to the criteria established by the university. Organize departmental events dedicated to presenting the results achieved by individuals and the Department in the Third Mission. Coordinate initiatives on certain strategic topics (prisons, active citizenship, criminal law, migrations, minors, etc.). Participate in university and external Third Mission projects. Promote agreements with third-sector organizations. Design and implement an innovative departmental forum on gender equality and sexual difference.

Members: prof. Andrea Billi, prof. Alberta Fabbricotti, prof. Pasquale Bronzo, dr. Fallani (administrative staff)


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